Este Proyecto es parte de la obra del artista Adrian Iturburu, critica sin duda al mundo civilizado moderno, industrializado en desmedida, que nos disuelve la identidad y nos autodestruye día a día; intención de acercarmiento a lo primitivo, expresando un rechazo a esa civilización moderna, manifestando un deseo de volver al mundo preindustrial, donde se presupone una relación con la naturaleza mas intima.

Lo que parece una cabeza humana, es desfigurada con imágenes ilusorias o no racionales, con elementos que deshumanizan esos rostros, adquiriendo una forma astral, no divina, pero anterior incluso a la civilización industrial y mas bien recordándonos a los antiguos y primitivos seres humanos. En este mundo que intento crear, mundo primitivo y simbolista, estos motivos representan para mi, todo lo que es espiritual, en clara oposición a los elementos materiales que existen actualmente alrededo del ser humano y de la vida moderna que nuestra raza utiliza.


 In this exhibition, we present some of the work of the artist Adrian Iturburu,
It is an exhibition that aims to bring the observer close to a personal and irreverent poetic form, which embodies a unique vision and serves as a way to understand the synthesized process of life itself, the fusion and assimilation of modern civilization, industrialized society, art and politics.

A process of drawing close to that personal conceptual idea, which is translated to the realm of the senses and the pictorial experience, through drawings of intense color, and which attempt to drag us through an intense and profound reflection on our direct responsibility in all of the events of our lives.

The work critiques without a doubt the modern civilized world, excessively industrialized, which dissolves our identity and brings about our self-destruction every day. The intention is to bring us close to the primitive, expressing a rejection of modern civilization, and manifesting a desire to go back to that pre-industrial world, where there was a more intimate relationship with nature.
What seems like a human head, is disfigured with illusory images or irrational ones, with dehumanizing elements, acquiring an “astral form”, not divine, but previous to industrial civilization and reminding us of those ancient and primitive humans.



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